Welcome to St. Theresa of Avila Catholic Church, a pillar of the Eagle community since 1852!
WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday, 4:30 PM; Sunday, 8:30 AM
Tuesday & Thursday: 8:00 AM at St. Theresa;
Wednesday: 6:00 PM, Friday: 8:00 AM at St. James in Mukwonago;
Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 9:00 AM at St. Peter's in East Troy
Saturday, 3:45-4:15 PM at St. Theresa;
Wed, 5:00-5:45 PM and Sat 3:00-3:30 PM at St. James in Mukwonago
Sat, 4:30 - 5:00 PM at St. Peter's in East Troy
Lenten Mission
Office Hours
Monday through Thursday, 8 AM to 3:30 PM.
Office Closed Friday.
Monday through Thursday, 8 AM to 3:30 PM.
Office Closed Friday.
Pastoral Visit Requests and Referrals Form
Please use the link below to request a pastoral visit for Communion Service, Prayer, Holy Communion, Anointing of the Sick, and visits to the Homebound amongst us.
- Fr. Jordan Berghouse, Pastor - frjordan@stjmuk.org
- Fr. Denny Jacob, Parochial Vicar
- Becky Baker, Director of Administrative Services
- Tammi Day, Director of Music
- Renee Hitt, Adult Formation and Parish Life Coordinator
- Mary Kravchuk, Faith Formation Coordinator (K-6)
- Nancy Boerger, Faith Formation Coordinator (7-12)
- Julie Van Zeeland, Parish Bookkeeper
- Judy Hernke, Parish Secretary
- Kevin Huckstep, Maintenance